Lycaeum at Angel Central

lycaeum at angel central

Ever wondered what would happen if someone would present you with a musical instrument and ask you to try playing it?

How about if the whole thing happened in a shopping centre, with tens of people watching and listening to you?


Perhaps not so much. Because this is precisely what countless of beginners – old and young – did for a whole day at Angel Central; and you can see that most of them are smiling throughout.

In partnership with the shopping centre, Lycaeum’s north London tutors came packed with instruments, vouchers, and a gazebo that kept flying away in the wind, to teach keen shoppers that music is way more approachable than one might think. Who knows which big stage name will look back at these pics in 20 years and giggle to themselves, thinking of how it all started?

All our instruments were kindly provided by our colleagues at Thwaites Fine Stringed Intruments and Rosehill Instruments Ltd, so make sure you check them out when you’re out looking for renting or buying a musical instrument.

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